DAZ vs Blender!

Today marks a big turning point in my creative journey. This... This is where the fun begins.

But in reality... probably not yet lol! XD

Okay, finally got to learning diffeomorphic to use Blender because the potential of using Blender is huge. I never thought I would take an interest in animations at all. However, it has been in my thoughts recently because there are things better shown through animations that aren't possible with still renders. Each medium has their strengths and weaknesses.

I would LOVE to make the jump and completely use Blender. However, at this stage, I am not proficient at all with Blender the way I am with DAZ. I'm still learning more about DAZ to this day, such as rigging. But like man, I spent so much time to get good at DAZ. I feel like it'll take me a while to get up to speed in Blender. There's a lot of little things you have to know about the programs. Blender offers great potential, but its just figuring out the pipeline and methods to get the results I want.

However, even if I cannot adapt Blender in a short timeframe, taking the first step to learning diffeomorphic is a huge step in the right direction. I love Blender so much from being able to make morphs on the fly to lighting a scene quickly and being able to see the results faster. Posing is very smooth and quick.

I'm so torn apart. I love it. But I can't make the move just yet.

In other news, I've been working pretty hard these past few days too. There are so many outfits I got from from ArtStation that I want the characters to wear. Luckily I have been practicing more with the whole importing clothes process. I also dived deep into the game asset territory. That was a lot of archiving on DeviantArt. Still not done with my collection, but this will do for the moment. This opens up opportunity big time with all the sexy fanart we can get into!

I'll do my best to get the next part of the Spooky Island out. I'm thinking of doing 10 renders every Friday. That seems like a managable workload to start and stick to a schedule. As much as I would like to pump out 10 renders per day... It's just not quite possible as you can see with my pass record. It is a possibility, but probably would need AI to help me brainstorm and sometimes knocking on that creativity doesn't come as easily.

The second half of this month will be quite busy for me. I have a wedding to attend to this weekend. My grandmother passed away. While I have family matters to attend to, I will do my best to setup content for you guys while I am away. The main story of Spooky Island will take longer to complete as I would like to have a good amount of pages for these longer form stories. Which is why we will have small quick treats such as the Cell absorption to nibble on. These should in theory be quicker to complete as it focuses on the methods. It also serves as a challenge to push my skills which can then be applied to future and existing comics! Double yay! :D

I want to take this time to thank everyone for all your support. I know content isn't on a set schedule lately. I'm working my best to get to something delivered on a consistent basis with also having a healthy balance in my own personal life. I believe that it'll all come together soon enough. :)

Thank you!