Holy crap when did it get to be December?

I finally broke down and got myself a new laptop. Not being able to do any proper work while away from home has been...frustrating.

Granted, it's not powerful enough for proper full scene renders, but I can at least block some shots and experiment with wardrobe and such.

It's been so long since I bought/built a computer, I'd forgotten how much setting up it takes. Logins and passwords and setting and tweaking and WHY IS WINDOWS 11 SO SHIT? Just when I'd finally (almost) gotten used to all the where-the-fuck-is-the-button-for- in Windows 10, they go and add more obfuscation?

This has, of course, required me to rebuild my entire library not ONCE, but TWICE. And with Daz apparently discontinuing DazCentral, this meant a bunch of manual installs of content. Still not sure I have it all back exactly right, but at least the most important bits are working. So far.

Here's something I made on my shiny new portable DevBook!