I should learn to make my own 3d models.

Don't get me wrong; the assortment of clothes/props/environments/etc. for Daz is great and all, but it's very difficult to find exactly the thing I'm imagining out there for sale. Sure, I could probably contract a professional to do the heavy lifting for me, but good work isn't cheap, cheap work is rarely good, and neither is likely to be worthwhile for an asset I'm going to use exactly one time.

Maybe I just picked the wrong aesthetic for Kimmi? Maybe 50's/60's pulp-scifi is too niche? Maybe I should update to 80's/90's totally-not-Star Trek-please-don't-sue-me-Paramount?

Maybe I'm just spiraling like so many creatives do when they start to realize that what they thought was a fully-formed masterpiece in their head is actually a barely-coherent jumble of discordant notions that have no logical flow and oh my god I'm a fraud everything is terrible and I'm terrible and why isn't this working oh god oh god what madness have I wrought my parents were right I should've been a plumber instead they make good money and don't have to deal with this creeping existential dread all the time and...

Or maybe I just need sleep. Haven't been doing much of that recently.

Yeah, that's probably it. I hope.