Not much progress since last update. Nothing meaningful, anyway.

I must have re-written the same scene six times at least. The same pattern, too: make lots of progress, realize I should have included a line about ____ earlier, go back, add that line, realize it now changes something a dozen lines later, go there, adjust, back to where I was, get distracted by idea for scene/plot/character that won't happen for several episodes, spend far too much time thinking about how that storyline would play out, forget where I was going with that last sentence, question life choices... Lather, rinse, repeat.

Is very frustrating.

Anyway, here's one of those random moments of inspiration that is in no way helpful for the scene I'm currently working on: The infamous Space Pirate, Cap'n Blackbush!

That's a working title, but it's probably going to stick. I like the idea of a bunch of pirates with color-coded pubes savaging the space-ways like it's the Age of Sail...In Space!

The question is: how much Bush on this Cap'n? Kimmi is clean-shaven (as you've seen), but is everyone in this universe? Is that what makes the name funny/ironic? Please, let me know your thoughts.

Below are some renders of Cap'n Blackbush v0.1. What do you think?