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So, you are a Creator now. What's next?

To start earning, you need to get subscribers. Which means you need to get noticed online.
There are a few ways to get noticed
Share Your Page
Share your Creator page on your existing Facebook, Instagram, Twitter pages. Do it at least once.
To share your page, just  login  to your account and use Share buttons under your avatar (unless 18+).
Use Page Address
Add your Creator page address to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter pages' description and contacts.
To find your page's address, simply  login  to your account and copy page address from browser's address bar.
Add Welcome Media
Add your funniest, sexiest, smartest, wittiest or just any original video. Don't have one? Use the best photo you got.
No photos? Just add a song, some music or speech - a little something to welcome your potential Subscribers.
Add Features
Tell your potential Subscribers why they should subscribe (aka "spend money") to your Creator page.
List here any of the unique abilities and offers that Subscriber will get upon subscribing to your Creator page updates.
  • Nobody likes boring stuff.
  • Don't be boring and don't post boring content. Simply ask yourself: would you be willing to pay to get access to your own post? If NOT then reconsider your content strategy.
  • Nobody wants to pay for nothing.
  • Don't make Subscribers wait for too long - they may leave and never come back. 1-2 posts per week is sufficient. On the other hand, receiving updates every day most likely will exhaust Subscriber's attention.
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