Of course these things happen.

The garden’s centerpiece, a magnificent array of mamy entwining vines, has been vandalized during the night. Many of the plants have been cut up and left all over… the trellis itself has been shattered by what looks like axes. And the opening of the garden show is tomorrow, of course.

The event coordinator was as cool and calm as one could be…even as the garden’s owner was freaking out about all of this mess… the bay unicorn would dart their eyes around, watching as the janitors cleaned up the mess… a few had thankfully shown up, a raccoon, a coyote and… a skunk.


The coordinator would use their magic to yank the startled skunk away from the group, ordering him to follow.


Before Devlin knew it, he was tossed into a greenhouse at the back of the property, falling on his ass onto a large planter… said planter had a tangle of vines sprawled out along several trellises, looping and coiling around each other. Yellow flowers were poking out here and there, releasing a cloying, but not unpleasant scent… It was an impressive display, but as Devlin tried to pick himself up… the whole thing fell apart.

Or rather, it all fell into the skunk, coiling around his limbs and securing him upright. Heavier vines wrapped around his feet and calves, resistant to his struggles and protests…

“Wh-HEY! LET ME GO! SOMEONE! PLEASE!” He called, eyes wide as he struggled. He pulled and tried to kick, feeling the vines pull him back into position tighter and tighter the more he fought… despite his panic now, the worst was yet to come.

The vine was patient, keeping their coils tight on their victim. There was simply no need to fight too hard, as he would take only half an hour to properly tire himself out… eventually the vines would start to squeeze, ensuring he was stuck fast…

One thick and heavy vine lifted itself from behind the trellis wall, revealing that it seemed to be the source of most of the smaller vines… its whip-like tip had a yellow flower at the end, dripping with a golden substance… it would slowly and deliberately drop dollops of this gooey substance onto the struggling skunk. Devlin gasped, trying to force his muzzle open to keep himself from strangling and being smothered. But all it did was make him swallow some of the sticky sweet substance. 

While this was happening, more of the vines had started teasing him, working on getting him erect and needy as more was dropped onto his helpless, struggling form. It oozed and slithered down onto his chest, his arms and legs… and most importantly, into his gaping mouth as he struggled to suck in air. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t spit out all of it. And the stuff that did make it down his throat left him feeling tingly and needy… more so than it should…


The process would take time. 

You couldn’t rush art, and Devlin’s imprisonment was no exception. The gooey layers would harden with time, slowly leaving a soft, golden layer all over the helpless janitor. He still struggled as best as he could, but eventually the flower that dribbled the stuff onto him would just latch onto his muzzle for minutes at a time… it would feed him the sticky goo, making sure he drank it down before resuming adding more layers of the honey sweet substance all over its new victim…

All the while, in an air pocket where his cock was, the vines kept stroking and teasing him, groping his balls and gently teasing his leaking tip… it wouldnt take long for his first orgasm to be coaxed from him, muzzled scream of pleasure barely heard as he was forced to cum the same golden sludge hed been made to swallow… the outer layers expanded slightly, allowing room for the newer, warmer goo to fill the space between his fur and the outer shell…

All the while, the plant would start to wrap its main vine around his encased body, holding on tight as it layered more and more around him… under the main layer, more gooey cum would be forced to fill the space within, trapping Devlin in his new, sweet smelling and sticky prison…

Eventually the vine’s main flower would come to rest on him, resting itself on his glued up muzzle.


The next day, the coordinator would have the planter wheeled out, with the new golden centerpiece displayed proudly where the former had been.

The fundraiser for the botanical gardens was a smash hit, all thanks to their captive hero… his reward was being kept inside his prison, where he would be made to cum over and over, the cycle within repeating endlessly…