Today (25/5/2024) marks the day I begin development of my first hentai oriented game! I’m excited to share bi-weekly updates on its progress with all SubStar subscribers (around 90% of development updates will be available to SubStar subscribers only). It has been my dream for a long time to make erotic porn games with a community of like-minded people, and since I’m starting to build a following and have gained my first few subs (thank you so much!) I’ve decided it’s time to start working on it! As time goes on and I receive greater amounts of subs I’ll be able to cut back on my day job hours to focus more on development! Until that beautiful day comes when I’ll be able to quit my job and afford to do hentai centric things as my primary source of income! Thank you for joining me on this journey! 🥰

Subscribe Star Subscribers will be able to vote on things to be added or changed or removed during the process of development! Giving the community here control of the final outcome! I’ve chosen the main direction, but the details along the way shall be sculpted by this community here on SubStar! 😍