2040 - 0.3.4 - Release:






The console has been enabled and is necessary for this release and most likely going forward. If you have already been on Mateo's yacht in your save file then: In game, press SHIFT+O and copy/paste these two variables one by one then your save file should function correctly:

blackmarketintrocont = False
blackmarketslavebought = False

If you have not been on Mateo's yacht yet, then don't worry these variables are now correctly applied after that scene.


- Fixed Black Market travel option.

 The option was shown before it should have been.

- Fixed Hate options not displaying correctly.

 This was a bad bug for some people on the Hate track with one or more of the girls where the Hate options were simply GONE! :O

- Fixed the penthouse travel screen.

 It was messy because it was one of the first parts of the game I ever coded, now it works a little cleaner.

- Added Black Market sales.

 If you have bought a slave from the auctions, she will be held until a buyer is found. When a buyer is found you will be alerted the next morning with her sale price.

- Added Black Market intro continued.

 The second part of the BM intro to set the scene for the slave flipping mechanic.

- Added (+rep) for attending the auctions.